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Current Projects

Best practice cancer care requires the delivery of safe, accessible and high quality care.

In partnership with health services, the BSWRICS Service Development program supports planning and review of services to ensure the best possible outcomes and experiences for the community are delivered.

Better care coordination, streamlining of care pathways and strengthening the capacity of health services to provide treatment and support at a local level are areas of focus for the program.

Current Activities

  • Implementation of the Optimal Care Pathways. 

  • Supporting the VICS Survivorship Joint Project with the Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre (ACSC)

  • Working with Cancer Council Victoria (CCV) to implement the statewide project, ACCESS Program: Accessing Cancer Care Equitably using Support Services

  • Supporting implementation of the Cancer Council Victoria Education Program

  • Facilitating regional clinician networks such as the Regional Oncology Nurses Network and the Regional Oncology Rehabilitation Network

  • Supporting health services to deliver best-practice in Cancer and Exercise Programs

  • Partnering with GICS and the Western Victorian Primary Health Network for the Cancer Shared Care Pilot Project in Dimboola and Hamilton 

  • Home Based Cancer Care / Care Closer to Home

  • Andrew Love Cancer Centre Clinical Pharmacy Services Project

  • Working towards psycho-oncology project across region

  • Trismus Project

  • Cancer Service Directory for people with cancer, their families/carers & clinicians

BSWRICS currentprojects
Supportive Care

Victoria's Cancer Plan 2020-2024 sets the direction and targets for cancer reforms. Cancer Plan Action Area 4: Wellbeing and Support is committed to the following priorities:

  • Strengthening supportive care and self-management         

  • Supporting cancer survivors to recover and thrive

  • Maintaining quality of life through palliative care and end of life care

The supportive care policy outlines the strategic directions for supportive care services and provides a framework for achieving the Cancer Plan supportive care commitments. BSWRICS is working with regional Health Services to respond to the needs of patients and carers across the Barwon South West region.

Supportive Care is an umbrella term that encompasses five inter-related domains of care; physical, social, psychological, spiritual and information.

People with cancer and their families may require support by a range of health disciplines to deal with the impact of their diagnosis. WeCan is an Australian Supportive care website to help people affected by cancer find the information, resources and support services they may need following a diagnosis of cancer. The site provides easy access to resources, services and information developed by other organisations who specialise in cancer and community support. 

BWSRICS supportive care

The number of people living after completion of cancer treatment has increased due to advances in early detection and treatment, and as a result of the population living for longer.

Treatment teams at the cancer services across the Barwon South West region will discuss survivorship planning with people pre-, during and post-treatment, as relevant to the individual.

Helpful information and resources are available through: 

The Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre has developed information, resources and events to help people move from initial treatment to post treatment and beyond, including those receiving maintenance treatments. Whilst they do not provide clinical advice, they connect with a range of providers to enable improved care. Of particular interest to people living with cancer, their families and carers, is a directory of 'Common Survivorship Issues'.

BSWRICS survivorship
Optimal Care Pathways

BSWRICS is currently working on a state-wide project focused on implementing the cancer Optimal Care Pathways (OCPs).

OCPs are a framework for consistent, safe, high-quality and evidence based care for people with cancer. As part of the OCP project, BSWRICS will be working with regional health services, clinicians and consumers to implement the recommendations outlined in the OCPs.

Communication with health professionals and consumers about OCP implementation will occur regularly via this webpage, the BSWRICS newsletter and email.

Links & References

Exercise & Cancer

Recent research suggests that exercise benefits most people both during and after cancer treatment. It can help manage some of the common side effects of treatment, speed up a return to usual activities, and improve quality of life. The evidence also shows there is little risk of exercise causing harm if care is taken and professional exercise advice is followed closely. For some cancers, exercise may even improve treatment outcomes. People with cancer should be as physically active as their abilities and condition allow. (Ref. Exercise for people living with cancer, CCV)


The Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA) 'Position Statement on Exercise in Cancer Care' calls for: exercise to be embedded as part of standard practice in cancer care and to be viewed as an adjunct therapy that helps counteract the adverse effects of cancer and its treatment; all members of the multidisciplinary cancer team to promote physical activity and recommend that people with cancer adhere to exercise guidelines; and best practice cancer care to include referral to an accredited exercise physiologist or physiotherapist with experience in cancer care.


BSWRICS has helped develop an 'Exercise in Cancer Programs - Barwon South West' Directory containing information on exercise and cancer programs in the Barwon South West Region. The directory offers information on what programs are available, who they work with, and how to contact them. If you are looking for further information and resources please discuss with your health professional.

BSWRICS Exercise

As part of strengthening the workforce in oncology, a series of educational webinars presented by a range of academic experts.

BSWRICS Annual Forum 2023: 

'Beyond City Limits: Clinical Trials in Regional Victoria'

BSW Oncology Rehabiliation Network Educational Webinars

'Neoadjuvant Exercise prior to Surgery, Systemic or Radiation Therapies'

BSW Oncology Rehabiliation Network Educational Webinars

'Persistant Breathlessness due to Chronic Disease'

BSWRICS Annual Forum 2022: 

'Beyond the ward: taking care on the road'

Axillary Web Syndrome (Cording) in Breast Cancer: A Clinician's perspective

Cardio-oncology: who is at risk and what is the role for exercise rehabilitation?

Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy: Assessment & Management Strategies

Exercise medicine assessment and prescription in management of patients with bone metastases

From Prehab to Rehab in Lung Cancer

Pain & Cancer Rehabilitation - Strategies to help engagement

BSWRIC education

The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services are supported by the Victorian Government 

© 2020 Barwon South Western Regional Integrated Cancer Service

The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to their Elders, past and present. We celebrate, value and include people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.

The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services (VICS) are Victoria's cancer services improvement network. We are nine Integrated Cancer Services located across Victoria, eight adult cancer services

© 2022 Victorian Integrated Cancer Services

Send an email to VICS
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The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services are supported by the Victorian Government 

The Victorian Integrated Cancer Services acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and acknowledges and pays respect to their Elders, past and present. We celebrate, value and include people of all backgrounds, genders, sexualities, cultures, bodies and abilities.

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