Supporting cancer service improvements
The VICS support health services and other providers in many ways to design, implement and evaluate improvements to cancer services in Victoria.
As well as leading and supporting cancer service improvement projects under each of our statewide priority areas, we provide support to our member health services across Victoria in the following areas:
How we help our members
Data analysis
The VICS help our members to access and analyse linked health data for the purpose of informing cancer service quality improvements and planning activities (but not to support research studies).

Cancer Services Performance Indicators
The VICS conduct regular audits, in collaboration with the Department of Health, of Cancer Services Performance Indicator (CSPI). These monitor and measure our member health services’ implementation of the state’s cancer reform policy. ICS support local audits and monitoring of cancer services.

Connecting health providers
Victoria has over 300 hospitals and health services. Each public Victorian health service that treats cancer patients is a member of the VICS network. We also maintain partnerships with many private health services and hospitals, community health organisations, primary health partnerships, and other health providers across the state.

To enquire about cancer service improvement initiatives or opportunities within a specific area or health service, please contact the VICS.
For details of existing cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment, and support services:
- Australia’s national cancer screening programs (breast cancer, cervical cancer, bowel cancer) are detailed on the Victorian Department of Health website
- Cancer Council Victoria’s My Cancer Guide is a searchable online registry of diagnosis, treatment, wellbeing, and support services available in different parts of Victoria
- Public radiotherapy services across Victoria are listed on the Victorian Department of Health website
- Chemotherapy-related programs supported by the Victorian Department of Health, as well as tools to assist with best care and safe administration of chemotherapy agents, can also be found on the department’s website.