BSWRICS network groups

Barwon South West Regional Oncology Nursing Network
The BSW Regional Oncology Nursing Network provides space for oncology nursing staff to:
- promote information regarding opportunities for nurses in the region and statewide.
- provide updates on training and educational needs.
- network and share information about resources, successes, and challenges.
- provide a forum for nurses to discuss local issues in a supportive setting.
The nursing network meets quarterly via videoconference and the membership consists of oncology nursing workforce within the Barwon South West region.
If you are interested in joining our network, please send us a message through our BSWRICS contact form.
Barwon South West Regional Oncology Rehabilitation Network
The BSW Regional Oncology Rehabilitation Network is a forum that provides space for clinicians and assistance staff working in cancer and exercise programs to collaborate and exchange ideas. The network provides:
- a space to discuss challenges and share successes relating to current work in the cancer and exercise field.
- opportunities for the membership to meet, share and collaborate on shared interests.
- support for development of consistent communication to services and consumers in the region regarding cancer and exercise programs.
The network meets quarterly via videoconference and the membership consist of physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, allied health assistants, oncology nurses working in exercise.
If you are interested in joining our network, please send us a message through our BSWRICS contact form.