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BSW Regional Oncology Nurse Education

BSWRICS recently supported 13 Barwon South West Cancer Nurses to attend the EviQ Facilitators Workshop presented by Robyn McIntyre, Clinical Nurse Educator – Oncology, Grampians Health Ballarat.

Following completion of the facilitator’s workshop, these nurses are now able to conduct Anti-cancer Administration Course (ADAC) and Central Venous Access Device (CVAD) clinical workshops and clinical based assessments within their own health services including having the ability to sign off on core competencies.

Early feedback has indicated supporting facilitator training has led to improved adult education skills which benefit themselves, their colleagues and junior staff. These cancer nurse facilitators are now more confident in providing education and feedback for their colleagues.

All BSWRICS-funded attendees have agreed to engage in follow up sessions at 3, 6 and 12-month intervals, either face-to-face to via online meetings, with the completion of a survey at each interval. The aim is to understand the effectiveness, benefit, utilisation and outcomes within each health service and potential for ongoing funding.

13 Barwon South Western Regional Cancer Nurses who attended the EviQ Facilitators workshop.

In November 2024, BSWRICS conducted the 6-month survey with attendees from the EviQ Facilitators Workshop.

Key highlights from the survey included:

  • Increase in cancer education & training being provided by all respondents representing all BSW public cancer services compared to the 3-month evaluation
  • Cancer education & training included: 1on1 support with staff, study day with a practical session, on the job” training following completion of ADAC, marking off competencies, informal support for staff completing modules and review of current education & training including discussion re implementing a new approach
  • Education had been provided to a variety of groups from 1on1 sessions, to groups of less than 10 and more than 10 nurses
  • 3 x EviQ facilitators have signed off on core competencies including 1 x facilator that had signed off more than 5 x new cancer nurses.
  • 1 x facilator had provided cancer education and training to an external health service of a group of more than 10 x nurses
  • More than 80% of respondents have plans to provide cancer education & training within the next 6-months including CVAD education, safe chemotherapy delivery and general cancer education
  • Benefits of attending the EviQ facilitators training included having multiple cancer educators working within the same unit, good refresher of ADAC education including new and improved techniques, meeting and networking with other cancer nurses in region and increase in confidence.
  • Future cancer education & training needs included annual workshops around all things cancer nursing, ‘tips and tricks’ around the clinical skill including trouble shooting, or the sticky questions you may get asked and skills in identifying gaps and implementing change.