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This project trialed using online questionnaires to improve communications between health services staff and community-based cancer patients living in the Grampians

This 4 year project, delivered over two phases, was initiated in late 2019 in response to a perception, and increasing literature, on the value of incorporating Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM’s) within clinical care delivery.

The SMSpro Project introduced an sms-based communication platform to be trialed with the potential to substantially benefit staff and patients through enhancing staff efficiencies and improving communication with patients.

Traditionally, people commencing cancer treatment are provided with a central point of contact and are requested to advise the treating team if difficulties or concerns arise in relation to treatment or it’s side effects. For a variety of reasons patients do not consistently seek advice or assistance when needed, impacting on treatment delivery and ultimately patient outcomes.

In response to this gap, GICS sought to secure a software provider able to customise clinical questionnaires and responses for clinical teams with varying focus. Selection was based on a demonstration to several clinical teams across the region, and then the self selection of those wishing to participate.

Initially 7 sites were recruited to participate in a pilot program,  however due to the effects of the covid-19 pandemic, staffing challenges and competing priorities, progress of this project did not follow anticipated milestones. An iterative process was adopted, and modifications made along the way, resulting in 3 sites progressing to the full pilot of the SMSpro project.

This project concluded in July 2024; for further details about the project please read the Final Report below.

SMSpro Project - Final Report
Project Lead
Hannah Ryan-West
Service Improvement Facilitator