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The VICS Optimal Care Summits team

The VICS Optimal Care Summits program and team are administered by the North Eastern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (NEMICS) on behalf of the VICS.

Linda Nolte

NEMICS Director

VICS Optimal Care Summits Manager, Helena Rodi

Helena Rodi

Optimal Care Summits Program Manager

Dr Frances Graham

Optimal Care Summits Project Manager

Nick Baje

Nick Baje

Optimal Care Summits Research Officer

James Shirvill

VICS Communications Manager

Emma Bernar

NEMICS Program Administrator

The VICS Optimal Care Summits program reports to the VICS Network Group – a committee comprising members from all 9 Integrated Cancer Services, convened by the Victorian Department of Health.

Read about the governance of the VICS