The GICS Team

Dr Fletcher Davies
Clinical Director
Ask me about: cancer system reform and clinical leadership

Kerry Davidson
(03) 5320 6728
Ask me about: governance and strategy in the delivery of cancer service improvement projects for the Grampians region

Vicki Hillis
Administration Officer
(03) 5320 4782
Ask me about: office administration for the GICS team and to publicise news and events for all things cancer in the Grampians region

Fiona Hodder
Deputy Program Manager – Colonoscopy Triage
Ask me about: colonoscopy access triage project

Rebecca Dening
Project Lead – Health Service Perspective
Ask me about: colonoscopy access triage project

Sharon Daly
Quality Coordinator
(03) 5320 6773
Ask me about: analysis and reporting of data to better serve patients with cancer in the Grampians region

Damian Hernandez
Senior Data & Information Analyst
Ask me about: analysis and reporting of data to better serve patients with cancer in the Grampians region

Donna Bridge
Service Improvement Facilitator
(03) 5320 4044
Ask me about: service improvement projects for the Grampians region

Kirsten Ives
Service Improvement Facilitator
(03) 5320 6675
Ask me about: service improvement projects for the Grampians region

Hannah Ryan-West
Service Improvement Facilitator
(03) 5320 4767
Ask me about: service improvement projects for the Grampians region