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Optimal Cancer Care for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander People learning package

We are excited to announce our new learning package, Optimal Cancer Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, is now available on the Centre for Cancer Education platform.

This course equips participants with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver culturally sensitive cancer care, addressing the unique challenges faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Developed through a collaboration between SMICS, GRICS, Aboriginal health and cancer services, and the VCCC Alliance, the program has been adapted to an accessible online format to expand its reach while maintaining its focus on collaboration and learning.

This course is tailored for:

  • Aboriginal Health Workers in primary care or hospital liaison roles
  • Healthcare professionals coordinating cancer care.

It offers practical insights to improve care pathways and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and their families.

Access the course here

Note you will need to register with the Centre for Cancer Education – Find out more here.

We encourage you to explore the modules and share this resource with your networks. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like more information or have any questions.

For further information please contact Jenny Thresher at SMICS (