Victorian Cancer Patient Experience Survey Reports
Understanding the Cancer Patient Experience in Victoria
Understanding the patient experience of treatment and care is essential to understanding how to improve cancer care services and systems to achieve optimal care. In Victoria, the Victorian Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) is conducted every four years to understand the cancer journey and experiences of Victorians undergoing cancer treatment at Victorian public hospitals.
In 2024, with permission from the Department of Health and the Victorian Agency for Health Information (VAHI), NEMICS examined responses to the 2023 CPES for two priority populations: Victorian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) Victorians. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the 2023 CPES data highlight the unique cancer patient experiences of these priority population groups when receiving cancer care at Victorian public hospitals in 2022.
NEMICS would like to acknowledge the Victorian Department of Health as the source of the Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) Data used for this report.