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Upskilling South Gippsland Hospital staff in contemporary palliative care

With the support of a GRICS Service Improvement Grant, Bridie Brehmer from South Gippsland Hospital (SGH) has undertaken a project to ensure the safe, effective, evidence-based delivery of contemporary cancer care. The project identified a gap in the availability of home-based palliative care services for the Corner Inlet community. Staff at SGH were supported in the implementation of the Australian Palliative Care outcomes collaboration tools and upskilled in Central Venous Access Devices (CVAD) management. A sustainable program has been successfully established to ensure staff can maintain CVAD management skills, access regular education and training and improve networking with the South Gippsland Palliative Care team.

Scholarship information
GRICS scholarship guidelines GRICS scholarship guidelines
GRICS scholarship application form GRICS scholarship application form