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Optimal Care Clinical Indicators

WCMICS is the lead site for the VICS Implementation Plan focus area to support the effective implementation of Australia’s Optimal Care Pathways (OCPs), leading a statewide project to monitor unwarranted variation against the OCPs. This project leverages existing clinical indicator work and will implement a standardised monitoring and reporting process.

Progress has been made identifying 21 clinical indicators derived from existing data sources, covering aspects of the patient journey and key components of service delivery – focusing on the ICS areas of responsibility in the Victorian Cancer Plan 2020–2024.

Data sources include:

  • Victorian Statewide Cancer Clinical Indicator Platform (SCIP)
  • Cancer Services Performance Indicator (CSPI) audits
  • Victorian data Access Linkage Trust (VALT).

Over the first half of 2024, these indicators will be piloted and a suite of agreed indicators for ICS member health services will be finalised. Following this, an implementation plan for a consistent set of regular data reports and accompanying dissemination strategy will be developed and circulated.

For more information, email

For more information
Sandra Picken