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Advancing survivorship across the WCMICS region

Living with and beyond cancer: across all cancers, the 5-year survival rate is ~71% for people living the WCMICS region.

WCMICS has been undertaking a pilot to embed a standardised approach to survivorship within nurse-led clinics, utilising a needs assessment (supportive care screening tool) to guide the development of tailored survivorship care plan (SCP) as part of routine discharge planning.

Based on recent VAED and VCR data, the number of cancer survivors has increased 48% over the past 30 years. Nurse-led clinics are well positioned to integrate cancer survivorship care into existing workflows and resourcing.
Implementing a survivorship model of care within such clinics can support these patients transition to the community and reduce repeated hospital admissions from long-term effects of cancer treatment.

To date, WCMICS has 5 health services across 7 tumours streams participating in this pilot project.