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BSW Regional MDM QOOL-Vic Implementation Project

BSW Regional Multidisciplinary Meeting (MDM) Queensland Oncology On-Line-Victoria (QOOL-Vic) Implementation Project

A cancer multidisciplinary team meeting (MDM) is a deliberate, regular meeting involving a range of health professionals with expertise in the diagnosis and management of cancer, for the purpose of facilitating best practice management of all patients with cancer.

MDM’s are regularly held across the Barwon South Western region. Both the Barwon Health (BH) Geelong and South West Healthcare (SWH) Warrnambool based MDM’s have been using CanMAP, under one single licence agreement, to manage and administer the MDMs since the inception of the program. CanMAP is a web-based database specifically designed for cancer care coordination and multidisciplinary team meetings.

SWH currently administer one multi-tumour stream MDM based in Warrnambool. BH Cancer Services administers eleven tumour stream MDMs. In addition to this, there are a further two* MDMs run by their respective clinical teams, independent of BH Cancer Services.

Barwon South Western region MDM’s
Transplant (haematology)Colorectal
Neuro-oncologyUpper GI
EndocrineLiver mass*
Head and neck*

More recently, the Department of Health has adopted Queensland Oncology On-Line-Victoria (QOOL-Vic) as their MDM software state-wide solution. The use of QOOL-Vic to support MDMs is outlined in the Victorian Cancer Plan, encouraging a broader shift towards the system across the state.

The BSW Regional MDM QOOL-Vic Implementation Project supported and funded by BSWRICS adopted a regional approach to implementing the QOOL-Vic MDM software and ensured alignment with the MDM Quality Framework 2018.
Barwon Health recently hosted the state-wide PEN-TEST Rare and Less Common Cancers Project, which included use of the QOOL-VIC platform. The aim was to leverage the lessons learned and momentum gained from the implementation of QOOL-Vic during the PEN -TEST Rare and Less Common Cancers Project.

The project is now complete and QOOL-Vic has been successfully implemented into 13 of the 14 MDMS (92%) across the BSW region. The remaining MDM is looking to move across to QOOL-Vic in the new year.

Discussion has commenced with WestVicPHN, BH GP Liaison Unit, BSWRICS and QOOL-Vic Project Lead to consider future opportunities to increase GP engagement with MDMs.